Understanding The 5 levels of the Customer Awareness Sequence will allow you to pinpoint where your customers are in their purchase process. They may be in one level, they may be in three or four different levels to varying degree. This can help you craft your copy by considering what information they need to move forward in their purchase decision. This can help you craft your copy by considering what information they need to move forward in their purchase decision and to align your copy with the mindset of your customer. This is broader than customer segmentation which usually focuses on level 2 and 3, problem or solution aware.
Level 1 – Unaware: Don’t have awareness of a need.
Level 2 – Problem Aware: Aware of a problem but not aware a solution exists.
Level 3 – Solution Aware: Aware of some solutions but not your specific ones.
Level 4 – Product Aware: Aware of your features but not convinced and/or not ready.
Level 5 – Convinced and ready to buy.
Unaware: Don’t have awareness of a need – Level 1
People don’t even know they have a problem. This category of people could benefit from your service but who don’t realize they’re suffering from the lack of having it. Maybe people are too busy or don’t have the construct to properly identify their problem. Or maybe you’re offering a product that solves a problem nobody has ever solved before (an invention).
Problem Aware: Aware of a problem but not aware a solution exists – Level 2
These people have a problem but don’t even know a problem exists. Marketing should be informational in nature, explaining how the solution works. Influencer marketing and Joint Ventures can be great here as well as going anywhere people with this problem come together. This is where facebook advertising shines. Sales to this audience should focus on dealing with the problem at hand.
Solution Aware: Aware of some solutions but not your specific ones – Level 3
These people are looking for a solution and considering your competitors or other solutions to their problem. This is what search marketing is great for. Building trust and value in your offer is critical here. Sales should focus on the solution, how is it better than other solutions.
Product Aware: Aware of some benefits but not convinced or ready – Level 4
These people are probably part of your Long Term Value system. They just need an incentive to buy, have just one objection or are missing just one little piece of info to make a purchase situation. An endorsement from someone the audience trusts is very powerful here. Sales should be based on building value in your offer.
Convinced and ready to buy – Level 5
These people can be part of your following or maybe out there searching the internet just trying to get in touch with you. Just give these people an easily accessible call to action.