Understanding The 6 levels in the Customer Awareness Spectrum will allow you to pinpoint where your customers are in their purchase process. They may be in one level, they may be in three or four different levels to varying degree. This can help you craft your copy by considering what information they need to move forward in their purchase decision.

  • Don’t have awareness of a need – level 1
  • Aware of a need but not aware a solution exists – level 2
  • Aware of some solutions but not your specific ones – level 3
  • Aware of your solutions but not of its features – level 4
  • Aware of your features but not convinced or ready – level 5
  • Convinced and ready to buy – level 6

Level 1) Don’t have awareness of a need
This is where inventions live. Products that solve problems nobody’s ever found a solution for. People don’t even know they have a problem. Obviously this presents a marketing problem but it has its advantages, first mover advantage and publicity.

Level 2) Aware of a need but not aware a solution exists
These people have a problem but don’t even know a problem exists. Marketing should be informational in nature, explaining how the solution works. Influencer marketing can be great here as well as going anywhere people with this problem come together. This is where facebook advertising shines.

Level 3) Aware of some solutions but not your specific ones
These people are looking for a solution and considering your competitors or other solutions to their problem. This is what search marketing is for. Building trust and value in your offer is critical here.

Level 4) Aware of your solutions but not of its benefits
These people know who you are but don’t fully understand all the benefits your product or service provides. This is why you have social media and email to keep in touch with prospective clients so you can build long-term value, keep top-of-mind and make it easy to purchase. This way when prospects are ready, they can take action.

Level 5) Aware of some benefits but not convinced or ready
These people just need a reason to buy, have just one objection or are missing just one little piece of info to make a purchase situation. Again, social media and email are instrumental. This can be a good point to solicit feedback from your following or engage them in your next launch.

Level 6) Convinced and ready to buy
This is it, give these people a call to action. These people can be part of your following or maybe out there searching the internet just trying to get in touch with you.